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In this overview of "conspiracy blockbusters" it's the turn of Alex Jones' 2007 documentary "Endgame", which details the Illuminati's plan known as the "New World Order" and unfolding in the years that followed leading up to its creation a fake pandemic.
The documentary is 15 years old. Look at all the things that have come true.
Whether in the classroom or in public: Belief in God seems to play a role for fewer and fewer people. The devout high school teacher Grace Wesley feels the same way when she asks a student with a
Answered a passage from the Bible, unaware of the consequences this has for their future.
A top film. What does it take to form your character? Exactly. Experiences. Both good and bad. This Oscar-winning work immediately casts its spell over the strong actors and the successful setting. The story is about a son of an extremely tough bailiff who is in search of his own destiny.